Wednesday, 4 April 2012

In Reply to Durjoy Datta for his blog " – LIVE AND LET LIVE – How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Boyfriend!"

( link given above Incase any one wants to go through it again……)

Some points from girls side, as all the girls in your blog’s replies are so madly in love with you that they ll very happily accept all the mad things you come up with:-                                                                                                

(1)    We girls are smothering you Guys …. very true… you people don’t deserve it , when you people are so engrossed in your “Play stations” ….. and play stations are your priorities above Human Emotions. You deserve only play station not a girl frend

(2)     We are too paranoid :- Let guys work in peace ??… it’s a pleasure …… when you live your life and we live ours….. but then why shall we attend your calls all the time  when u guys feel convenient where as when we feel like talkin we have to think 100 times whether he is available or not… 2 minutes of emotional talks wont let go off your 2 billion dollar business deal… or wotever u r engrossed in… at your “Work time”…. Mind it Guys are more Paranoid than Girls….

(3)    Why so silent??:- it is not to torture you but it is to keep off the irritation or humiliation that a girl goes through when every time she has to speak or say same things or discuss same problems again and again  and nothing is done regarding the same…. The silent treatment is to except that nothing can be doen regarding it.

(4)    Depriving guys of “fun” …. On this … “If he spares a few seconds at that hot chick that just entered the club, it does not mean that he doesn’t find you attractive anymore. It’s just a reflex. To him, you’ll always be the prettiest. So, chill out. This is wot durjoy speaks….. Guys Pleaseapply the same logic when a girls does the same reflex when a “tall dark and handsome” guy enters the club or the place you are at.

And on and on…. Whatever the points were… they are more on the guys side…. That is pretty unfair… when people are expecting you to be “the Love guru” ,which I don’t think you or any one can ever be, please give some space to girls also in your columns ..…. just tokin or discussing your problems as in “The boys” problem doesn’t solve nothing ….. this is 21st century boss….. Girls or boys come equal….. stop being a Male Chauvenist …. also now don't think its a "Long Reply" for your small blog....  Read it and Understand it as well....


  1. dat's a perfect reply...go Gal!!!

    1. thanx a ton khush.... thanx for agreeing on this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. your comment is not visible out here Sandra but yeah.... got it in a message... if possible... please re post ur comment :)
